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Sep 11, 2024

(ATLANTA) – Today, Greater Georgia announced its final push to register thousands of new voters ahead of the state’s October 7, 2024 registration deadline. The effort is targeting a universe of approximately 180,000 unregistered Georgians and includes phone calls, digital ads, and text messages, as well as in-person voter registration drives and phone banking events. With the support of paid interns and hundreds of statewide volunteers, Greater Georgia is investing six figures to reach thousands of prospective voters each week.

“Georgia’s elections are fought and won at the margins - which is why Greater Georgia has been dedicated to registering voters since 2021,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman and former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler. “Over the last three years, we’ve changed the game by investing millions to register Georgians year-round - erasing the Left’s partisan voter registration advantage and growing our movement. As the registration deadline approaches, we’re making a final push to reach new voters, educating them about the importance of their vote and empowering them to make their voices heard.” 

Since 2021, Greater Georgia has registered approximately 40,000 Georgians to vote. The organization’s latest voter registration campaign began in mid-August and will continue until October 7. The 8-week effort represents a $100,000 investment. After the registration deadline, Greater Georgia will initiate a separate GOTV effort to drive newly registered voters out to the polls. Earlier this year, the organization also conducted voter roll verification efforts in the state’s ten largest counties.

Georgians can register to vote or update their voter registration by clicking here. The registration deadline for the November 5, 2024 election is October 7. Early in-person voting begins October 15. 

Greater Georgia, launched by former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler in 2021, is a 501(c4) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to growing participation in the democratic process by mobilizing and empowering voters. The group works year-round to educate and register voters, engage with diverse and underrepresented communities, and protect election integrity.


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05 Sep, 2024
ATLANTA – Today, Greater Georgia announced a six-figure campaign to expose the costly failures of District Attorney Fani Willis that continue to impact Fulton County residents. The campaign includes digital ads and text messages, reaching Atlanta-area voters ahead of the Fulton County District Attorney election on November 5th. The awareness effort launched today with a video ad entitled “Failed,” which is running on streaming and programmatic media including Fox News, CNN, WSB TV, Hulu, Roku, and Fubo. Click HERE or on the image below to watch the ad. “Fani Willis had one job when voters put their trust in her in 2020: prosecute violent career criminals in order to protect the residents of Fulton County. Instead, she’s spent the last four years chasing vanity cases to grow her celebrity, line her pockets, and fuel her political ambitions,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman and Former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler. “On her watch, prosecutions are down, crime is up, and more citizens have been needlessly victimized – then denied justice because she is too distracted or too incompetent to deliver it. Willis’ conduct is an embarrassment to the state of Georgia and a profound threat to public safety. She must be ousted this November to restore law and order in Fulton County – and end the era of partisan, personal, taxpayer-funded distractions.” 
29 Jul, 2024
(ATLANTA) – Today, Greater Georgia announced its latest campaign to mobilize a diverse range of voters ahead of the 2024 election. The organization will use a combination of digital ads, text messages, phone calls, and direct mail to reach a targeted universe of Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters in key counties across Georgia. The six-figure campaign will highlight how the liberal policies in Washington have failed Georgians on the economy, crime, immigration, foreign policy, and other kitchen-table issues. “For too long, liberals have taken the minority community for granted - banking on their votes each election year but consistently failing to make their lives better,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman and former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler. “With the progressive wing now in charge, every citizen is faced with high inflation, open borders, rampant crime, and woke education, which negatively impacts minority communities, just as it does all Americans. This election represents an alternative: to return to the proven policies of prosperity and strength from the top of the ticket on down. "The prospect of an even more progressive agenda would limit freedom and opportunity for those who are not part of the liberal elite, but whose votes are required to keep the liberal powerbrokers in power. We intend to show voters that there is another, better path forward to benefit every American citizen.” Greater Georgia’s latest mobilization campaign builds on previous minority outreach efforts - including a recent digital ad that aired during the June 27th presidential debate. The ad targeted 63,000 Black men in the Atlanta area and earned over a quarter-million impressions, highlighting how the Biden/Harris agenda has failed their communities. Greater Georgia, launched by former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler in 2021, is a 501(c4) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to growing participation in the democratic process by mobilizing and empowering voters. The group works year-round to educate and register voters, engage with diverse and underrepresented communities, and protect election integrity. ### Media Contact:
25 Jun, 2024
ATLANTA – Today, Greater Georgia Action released a new digital ad campaign ahead of the first presidential debate of 2024 in Atlanta. The 30-second spot, entitled “ Promises ,” highlights the Biden Administration’s broken promises, particularly to Black voters. This is in contrast to the promise of the American Dream, which former President Donald Trump’s Administration delivered for all communities, especially working families - reducing Black unemployment and poverty levels to record lows . The ad campaign will reach voters on streaming services and digital platforms within the Atlanta DMA and will run during the week of the debate. According to polls, Americans largely believe the country is on the wrong track . Black voters are increasingly reporting a sense of loss of economic and personal security. Besides overseeing an era of peace and low crime, under President Trump, the average annual household income rose over $5,000 while inflation remained low. Under President Biden, amid wars and rising crime, average household costs to maintain the same standard of living are up over $12,000 per year, with income gains well below the pace of inflation. “It's no wonder Americans feel less secure and hopeful. After years of record inflation, illegal immigration, and weakness on the world stage, voters have lost faith in the Left’s empty promises - especially voters in diverse communities, who are rejecting the premise that they must vote Democrat when these same officials fail them,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman and former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler. “All Americans understand that the path to prosperity lies in individual freedom, the opportunities offered by free enterprise, and the safety and security families deserve - rather than the pandering and falsehoods Joe Biden is rehearsing for Thursday night. Instead of the promise of more big government, Donald Trump stands for the promise of America’s strength and prosperity - which is the only promise worth believing this November.” Click HERE or on the image below to watch the ad, or read the transcript below: 
07 May, 2024
(ATLANTA) – Today, Greater Georgia Chairwoman and former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler applauded Governor Kemp as he signed a package of new election integrity bills into law. The package features several key pieces of legislation, including Senate Bill 189 - which codifies some of the most significant election reforms of 2024. “Greater Georgia is grateful to Governor Kemp for signing today’s package of election reforms - and to our conservative leaders, including Lt. Governor Jones and Speaker Burns, who have made continuous investments in election integrity, year after year,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler. “Although there is always more work to be done, our new laws will ensure even more accuracy, safety, and transparency. On the eve of a presidential election, Georgians deserve to have confidence that - despite the best efforts of liberal activists in our courts, our media, and our federal government - their votes will count. That's why Greater Georgia will continue to be a watchdog for election integrity.” Senate Bill 189 expands on the previous reforms of SB 202, Georgia’s Election Integrity Act, which was passed in 2021. Among other provisions, the new law: Removes the Secretary of State from the State Election Board to promote impartiality in Board deliberations. Expands the conditions for challenging and removing ineligible voters from the voter rolls to ensure only legal, eligible citizens can vote. Sets clear deadlines for submitting absentee ballots. Allows a political party’s presidential candidate to qualify for Georgia’s ballot if they have obtained ballot access in 20 other states. Bans Secretary of State employees from obtaining state contracts related to voting equipment, preventing conflicts of interest. Creates additional ballot chain of custody rules starting in 2025 to prevent tampering or misplacement of absentee ballots. Eliminates QR codes from ballots starting in 2026 so that only human-readable inputs are counted when tabulating vote totals. Senate Bill 189 was sponsored by State Senator Max Burns (R-Sylvania) and carried in the State House by Representative John LaHood (R-Valdosta). Greater Georgia, launched by former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler in 2021, is a 501(c4) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to growing participation in the democratic process by mobilizing and empowering voters. The group works year-round to educate and register voters, engage with diverse and underrepresented communities, and protect election integrity. ### Media Contact:
18 Apr, 2024
(ATLANTA) – This week, Greater Georgia hosted the second annual Greater Georgia Legislative Awards Ceremony. Held in Atlanta, the event drew over 300 guests to honor state lawmakers and leaders for their accomplishments during the 2024 legislative session. Honored guest speakers included Governor Brian P. Kemp, First Lady Marty Kemp, and Speaker of the House Jon Burns. Award recipients from the Georgia General Assembly included: State Senate Majority Leader Steve Gooch Majority Whip Randy Robertson Majority Caucus Secretary Larry Walker Senator Greg Dolezal Senator Russ Goodman State House Representative Lauren Daniel Representative Matthew Gambill Representative John LaHood Representative Mesha Mainor Representative Steven Sainz View photos from the event below.
16 Apr, 2024
ATLANTA – Today, Greater Georgia released key findings from an analysis of voter data from the state’s Presidential Preference Primary, held March 12, 2024. The data revealed signs of promise for the conservative movement, which is backed by voter enthusiasm, growing support from diverse communities, and an influx of new voters - including 7,000 first-time voters and 30,000 crossover voters. “The Greater Georgia analysis shows both progress and room for growth,” said Greater Georgia Chairwoman Kelly Loeffler. “It is no surprise that conservatives have the enthusiasm advantage going into November, given the failed Biden agenda that has depressed turnout in Democratic primaries across the country. And although we also see signs of new support from minority, first-time, and crossover voters on the Republican side, 2024 will ultimately be about turnout. That’s why we will continue to mobilize voters in support of conservatives up and down the ballot, to promote opportunity, security, and freedom.” More than 588,000 voters participated in Georgia’s Republican presidential primary compared to the 290,000 who participated in the Democratic presidential primary. In the Republican primary, women made up 52% of the electorate. While white voters made up the majority of the electorate at 95%, more Asian and Hispanic voters pulled a Republican ballot than a Democratic ballot. In fact, Hispanic voters represented a larger share of the Republican primary electorate in 2024 than in 2020, indicating growing support within the Latino and Hispanic communities. Most of the Republican electorate comprised those who had pulled a GOP ballot in all or most primary elections. But 30,000 Republican voters, or 5% of the Republican electorate, were either split-primary voters, majority Democratic primary voters, or exclusively Democratic primary voters. These 30,000 voters were more likely to be rural, nonwhite, and lower-income citizens. Notably, nearly 7,000 first-time voters participated in the Republican primary - compared to just 3,000 first-time voters in the Democratic primary. Democrats, meanwhile, saw a dramatic decrease in turnout for the presidential primary compared to 2020, when about 800,000 more Democrats voted. This year’s Democratic electorate was 64% women, 65% black, and 52% over the age of 65. Fewer Hispanic, Asian, and first-time voters participated in the Democratic primary compared to the Republican primary. 6,000 voters left their ballots blank. The lack of enthusiasm reflected in the Democratic primary is consistent with the poll conducted by Greater Georgia earlier this year, which found that 57% of likely Georgia voters had an unfavorable opinion of Joe Biden. Greater Georgia, launched by former U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler in 2021, is a 501(c4) nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to growing participation in the democratic process by mobilizing and empowering voters. The group works year-round to educate and register voters, engage with diverse and underrepresented communities, and protect election integrity. ### Media Contact:
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